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READ ME FIRST 0 3 years 18 weeks ago
by RV-C Admin
Additions to Solar DGNs, plus an additional FMI This topic has been moved
Additions to DC Source, Battery DGNs This topic has been moved
New PGN Proposed - Node Name Request - 0x1FED6 This topic has been moved
New PGN Proposed - DC Dimmer Status 3 - 0x1FEDA This topic has been moved
New PGN Proposed - DC Dimmer Command 2 - 0x1FEDB This topic has been moved
Modification to PGN Proposed - DC Load Command - 0x1FFBC This topic has been moved
New PGN Proposed - AC Load Status 2 This topic has been moved
New DGNs - Battery Status This topic has been moved
New DGNs - DC Dimmer Current Status, Operating Statistics This topic has been moved
New Device and DGN: Generic Alarm This topic has been moved
Generic AC Source Fix, plus New DC Disconnect SPN This topic has been moved
New SPN Proposed - Leveling System, Air Compressor Run Status This topic has been moved
Multiple Amendments - Instances, Doors and Windows, GPS. This topic has been moved
New DGN and Device: CAN_BUS_MONITORING This topic has been moved
New Group of DGNs - DC_DRIVER_STATUS/COMMAND. Amendment to DGN Request This topic has been moved
Vent Fan Product Definition This topic has been moved
New DGNs for Inverter/Chargers and additions to existing DGNs This topic has been moved
Hydraulic Pump Command This topic has been moved
Proposed: Additions to GENERAL_RESET, AWNING_COMMAND, AWNING_STATUS. This topic has been moved
Typos discovered - DM1-RV. This topic has been moved
New PGN Proposed - Generic Configuration Status - 0x1FED8 This topic has been moved
New PGN Proposed - Generic Indicator Command - 0x1FED9 This topic has been moved
New PGN Proposed - DC Load Status 2 This topic has been moved
Modification to PGN Proposed - AC Load Command - 0x1FFBE This topic has been moved
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