Official Business

TopicRepliessort iconCreatedLast reply
DC Generator, Addition DC DGNs This topic has been moved
Addition: Generic AC Source This topic has been moved
Revision - Dynamic Addressing Ranges This topic has been moved
New DSAs - Network Bridge, External Interface This topic has been moved
New Genset SPNs This topic has been moved
Proposed: Revisions to Air Suspension DGNs. This topic has been moved
Notification of Error, TERMINAL and DOWNLOAD, in Table 7.5 This topic has been moved
Proposal: DC Battery Disconnects This topic has been moved
General Edits This topic has been moved
Modification to DIGITAL INPUT STATUS This topic has been moved
Air Suspension Sensor Status This topic has been moved
New DGN, DSA Assignments This topic has been moved
Proposed SPNs for Inverter/Charger This topic has been moved
doorlocks/window, body, lock status This topic has been moved
Proposed Modification to PGN 0x1FFEB - LEVELING_SENSOR_STATUS This topic has been moved
Minor Errors - Weather Station This topic has been moved
Typos discovered - table titles. This topic has been moved
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